Two Day National Urdu Congress conclude at Kashmir University

Srinagar 27 October (KNB): The Two Day National Urdu Congress on “Language, Literature & Society” concludes at KU. The congress was organised by Department of Urdu University of Kashmir and supported by Jammu & Kashmir Bank. The event which marks as the first Urdu Congress in Jammu & Kashmir witnessed the presence of some of the most prominent personalities in Urdu Language including Prof. Mohammad Zamaan Azurda, Prof. Qazi Jamaal, Prof. Irteza Karim, Prof. Quddus Javaid, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Malik, Mr. Farooq Ahmad Nazki and participation from the scholar community and faculty members from Delhi University, Aligarh Muslim University, Vikram University (MP), Indore University (MP), Jammu University, Punjab University, Jamia Millia Islamia, Mumbai University, Central University of Kashmir, Cluster University, Srinagar etc. Six technical sessions were held simultaneously on both the days at EMMRC Auditorium and Seminar Hall, chaired by Prof. Mohammad Zaman Azurda, Prof. Quddus Javaid, Mr. Farooq Nazki, Mr. Hasrat Gadda, Prof. Irteza Karim, Prof. Qazi Jamaal, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Malik, Mr. Tariq Ahmad Khawar, Dr. Shafaq Sopori, Dr. Altaf Nakshbandi and Mr. Sultan ul Haq Shaheedi. The sessions were hosted by Dr. Kausar Rasool, Dr. Mushtaq Haider, Dr. Shah Faisal, Mrs. Nusrat Nabi and Mr. Mohammad Younis Dar.

Addressing the press conference, Chief Guest on the occasion, Prof. Talat Ahmad, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir said that the purpose of the two day National Urdu Congress on Language, Literature and Society was well and truly served by bringing the stakeholders of Urdu Language together for dialogue and criticism involving participants from the interdisciplinary studies further leading to research and development in the field of literature. On this occasion, Prof. (Dr.) Arifa Bushra, Chairperson Urdu Congress & Head Department of Urdu said that we were overwhelmed by the response received from the expert and scholar communities and faculty members from reputed universities within the country and such events shall continue in the future as well.
Prof. Mohammad Zamaan Azurda said that the theme of the Urdu Congress is the prelude of a movement in itself. Literature is a reflection of the society which is a widely acknowledged fact. There has been a paradigm shift into thematic literary innovations in Urdu literature with the advent of technology. He added that the multidisciplinary theme of this Urdu Congress merges all the related disciplines into a cosmos of interrelated components. Prof. Quddus Javaid in his key note address said that such literary gatherings are vital for the promotion of Urdu language. “We are contented with the positive response of the scholar community from the interdisciplinary fields and faculty members from various universities towards the first Urdu Congress in Jammu & Kashmir, making it a tremendous success”, he added. Prof. Qazi Jamal from Aligarh Muslim University said that the theme of the Urdu Congress is very vast and deserves dialogue and discourse to emerge at new ideas and future prospects of research in the field. He remarkably discerned literature as a cultural and spiritual resource in modern societies. Prof. Irteza Karim, HoD Urdu, Delhi University added that it is an opportunity of perspective building for the future researchers who can inculcate in themselves scientific attitude the by opening their mind towards various aspects of language, literature and society.

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