Panipat War of 14th January, 1761: A Turning Point in the history of Bharat

The historic war fought between the Afghan forces of Ahmedshah Abdalli and the then defenders of Bharat (By virtue of a charter to do so obtained from the then Mughal emperor) the Maratha forces changed the future of Bharat. Marathas, aided by some Jat royalties, fought valiantly all through the war in chilling weather to which they were not used to and at a point Abdallis forces were on the verge of fleeing. But destiny as would have it, the tables turned due to some wrong moves of some Generals of the Maratha forces and by the end of the day every important General of the Marathas was martyred. More than 1 Lakh Marathas gave supreme sacrifice by the end of the day and same was the fate with the Afghan forces. It is said that a mango tree in the vicinity turned black due to the blood that was spilled on its soil and was then called as the Kala Aam which stands on the site as a witness to that gruesome battle. All those who fought that day fought only as sons of this soil without any petty discrimnations like caste and religion which is exemplary even in today’s times.

Marathas led by the younger brother of the then Peshwa (Nanasaheb), Sadashivrao Peshwa lost the war but Bharat won! Bharat won because after this war the invaders pouring in from the Kyber Pass since the early 11th century didn’t ever dare do it again. This was was an unique example of armies from as far as Maharashtra fighting for the unity and sovereignity of the nation probably only second to the war of Purushottam (Porus) with Alexander when Acharya Chanakya had appealed to all the royalties of Bharat to unite against Alexander.

Today the war may have been forgotten by many in the annals of history but every true Bharatiya must remember it as it changed the history of Bharat by protecting its geography!

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