Job aspirants, students suffer as internet blockade continues in Kashmir

Yasmeen Manzoor

Srinagar, October 25 (KNB): Consecutive shutdowns and snapping of internet has immobilized life all over the valley. Internet impact on society is now making economic,social,and political changes around the globe, but due to continuous ban on internet in Kashmir, every aspect is suffering a lot.

Due to blockage of internet, Students and aspirants of different competitive examination who have applied for different government jobs are facing hardships.

While talking to KNB a class 12th student said,”We are all dependent on internet, from last five days, we are suffering as internet is only source of knowledge during shutdown”.

It is important to mention here, that due to recent killings that claimed many lives, the life of people in Kashmir as whole got affected badly, especially the students of Kulgam.

The shutdowns, internet ban has not only effected students but has a worse effect on business as well. Internet helps businesses to grow achieve goals and become successful in this competitive market.

“The communication between costumers and business increases customer satisfaction and enables businesses to get connected to the costumer from all over the world but due to interdiction on internet we are not able to connect to our customers” said Bashir Ahmad, a local businesses-man.

“While the rest of the states have developed tremendously in the last couple of decades, from 2G to 3G to 4G high speed internet, we are deprived of even basic internet facilities here,” he says with disappointment, adding that her entire business, which runs online, revolves around uninterrupted internet connectivity.

Suspension of the internet services has badly impacted thousands of Bussiness men, students, job aspirants and those users who avail the service for studies, e-commerce and banking. Job aspirants who want to apply for different openings in government or private sector across the world are also aghast with the suspension of the facility. (KNB)

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