Syed Ruban: The martyred fighter I knew

Rameez Makhdoomi

At an age of 23 Syed Ruban from NazneenPora is the latest fighter who lost his life in Budgam encounter.

Not like the facebook funks who calls you Murtad, zindeek even on few disagreements the real freedom fighter my sweet little brother Syed Ruban was an epitome of what it means to be a best human.He was also younger brother of my close and best buddy Syed Tajamul Imran.

I had the opportunity of meeting him few days before he would pick gun. I never knew it would be my last chance to meet him. It was a coincidence as I got late from TV show and decided to stay at Tajamul’s accomodation.

During that memorable night FIRDOUS BABA, Syed Rubaan, Syed Tajamul, and me interacted till late night.

The spicy food that Tajamul and Rubaan cooked brought tears as it was too spicy. We danced and laughed and Rubaan told me that I am like Mr. Bean in real life as I give hilarious expressions.

Me and Rubaan discussed very hard topics till late night like Dhakha Fall, Iran and Cuban revolution, unresolved Kashmir issue and his tone, manner, points of debating were true representative of a human having great tolerance, knowledge and civillization.

A few years back in year 2013 when Tajamul would invite me to his home at Shopian, I had first chance to meet Syed Ruban. I stayed there for a long time and Rubaan only talked about Cricket. Younis Khan, Sehwag, Jayasuriya we discussed all as his enthusiasm and knowledge of game of cricket was amazing. He was also brilliant cricketer of Shopian and I was convinced that I am meeting a future star of cricket.
The story of change in Ruban in coming few years is result of martyrdom of friends and tremendous state repression that left him with no choice but taking to arms.He was constantly harassed.

In his martyrdom I am heartbroken and in tears and this unresolved Kashmir conflict has killed our memories, sweet hearts and above all apple orchards are converted into graveyards.

Ruban your grand kindness stories towards other humans and in fact all creatures that I have heard many, showing great tolerance, lovely smile I will always miss.
May Allah soon end our pain.

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