JKPM grieved over loss of lives in Gurez road accident: Iqbal Rather


Srinagar,April27: Iqbal Ahmad Rather, State Executive Member JKPM has expressed his profound grief and sorrow over the tragic road accident in Gurez, which has claimed 2 precious human lives besides injuring about nine passengers.
In a condolence message, Iqbal Rather has, on his behalf and on behalf of JKPM, conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.
He has prayed for eternal peace to the departed souls. He has also prayed for speedy recovery of the injured. He has demanded adequate ex- gratia in favour of the deceased besides free medical aid to the injured persons.
Pertinent to mention that a Sumo fell into a deep gorge
in Gurez near Zadkhusi Nahalla this morning.

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