Mehraj Udin Ganaie

Investment in education is the most beautiful concept on earth raised. I won’t hesitate to say that we are unfortunate as we restricted this phrase for others not for ourselves.

Investment in education needs little more clarification in-terms of its scope and responsible stakeholders (state, social organizations, intellectual people, teachers, parents, students, and self-claiming caretakers of state).

The important question is, are we really conscious and ready to develop our State and education system?
If yes, then we need to analyse the role and responsibility of every stakeholder in State not just shooting one of these.

There are hundreds of examples around the world, to illuminate us with strategies of education development.
The only thing is we need to open our mind and embrace the change. This is very clear that the State is a system and need to work on change but at the same time the other stakeholders are very critical factors in maintaining and sustaining that change.

When we talk of development, it demands a condition of balanced approach from system, society and individuals. Even if one of the pillars is not sounding strong, we need to change the place of rest to confirm a balance.
The matter of concern arises when multiple stakeholders are responsible for the failure of education system and we remain selective in highlighting a particular group.

Having world class infrastructure won’t solve our problem but yes a developmental mind-set will. Now the question is why do I reject the notion, the world has agreed upon. I need remind you that our system has been hampered by sudden cramps, which paralysed us at times technically and other times physically.

We wake up in the morning and find no mobile network and internet, what are we going do with the world class infrastructure.

While kids are getting ready for school and suddenly a message pops up from school, it’s off (no excuses)
Development of education system, state and its people is only possible when people and the state both become socially conscious. Now the State Heads need to take a look at the dysfunctional avenues of the system and take immediate possible measures by utilising its best human intellectual capital available with them.

As we have witnessed very good examples of bureaucrats who have headed different departments and their work has been marvellous.

We also agree to the fact that it is not easy to run a state like Jammu Kashmir, but ignoring the basic and vital issues like corruption and relation based deployments of bureaucrats in important sectors like education and healthcare is not fair.

State has recently shown its concern over the value on education by suspending the recognition of some best private schools in the valley on the grounds that they charge huge fee, which otherwise is far less than many other institutions in the Valley.

We cannot blame the state all time and in all avenues somewhere we ourselves have missed chances to develop a part of society as our responsibility.

We need to understand that change is the only thing which keeps on changing. Urgency is to work on some of the basic concepts to eradicate the huge gap in education system, economic stretch, and educational facilities.
We (the State, society, society organizations, teachers, parents, and other individuals) need to work hand in hand for the sustainable development of state through education.

Change is required at grass root level; as we keep losing a lot intellectual human capital till they graduate due to lack of facilities in schools, parent’s income source, government and public support and many more like.

Almost one third of school children dropout when they are about to move from primary to secondary education due to one or many above mentioned reasons and those who remain in schools are not getting proper education.
• Government must work on proper facilitation in educational institutes especially at lower level
• Financial support should be arranged locally, by both society and government for the deserving and needy
• Small libraries and reading halls should be introduced especially in weaker (economically) localities
• Initiative towards equal education for all (regions, religions, castes, and genders)
• Teachers must be well equipped and trained all the time
• Make sure schools are places of creativity, innovation, and also behavioural workstations

Let’s take a pledge to develop a mindset of change and develop ourselves and future generations to come.


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